Youth Educational Services (Y.E.S.)

Youth Educational Services (Y.E.S.) is a home to 10-14 student-led community engagement programs that provide opportunities for Humboldt students to volunteer in local school and community sites.

Since 1968, Y.E.S. student leaders have initiated over 70 programs to address community needs and support community organizations. Student leaders and volunteers contribute their impressive time, talent and passion to Y.E.S. programs and report gaining hands-on learning, new skills, friendship and support, and self-discovery.

Y.E.S. Location: YES is located in the Lower Library, Suite 1 on the south side of the building adjacent to Laurel Drive (see map below).    

Spring 2024 Office Hours:

Monday, Thursday, Friday (11:00am - 2:00pm)

Tuesday & Wednesday (10:00am-2:00pm)

Y.E.S. Programs

Semester-Long Programs

Semester-Long Programs

Semester-long volunteer programs are directed by YES student leaders. Volunteers join a YES program and regularly engage with a team at local school and community sites. This is a great option for students who wish to explore their passions, gain career or job experience, make a positive impact in the community, or make new friendships. 

Weekly time commitment: 2-3 hours

  • Program meeting (1-hour)
  • Community-based volunteering (1-2 hours)

We ask students to submit a Volunteer Application to express their interest (just look for the gold "Sign Up to Volunteer" button on the homepage). Students must also register for the affiliated YES 1-unit course (unless they are using YES as a field placement for a service learning or academic internship course) by the add/drop date (3rd Monday of the semester) to secure a spot in a semester-long program. 


  • Learn & bond with peers during weekly workshops
  • Create meaningful connections with community participants & partners
  • Earn 1-unit or use Y.E.S. as field placement for service learning/internship course

One-Time & Low Commitment Volunteer Opportunities

One-Time & Low Commitment Volunteer Opportunities

We have plenty of opportunities for students who are unable to commit to a full semester of volunteering! Some of those opportunities include:

Large Scale Volunteer Events

Large Scale Volunteer Events

We host a large volunteer event once a semester to provide an opportunity for our campus community to come out and volunteer together. These volunteer days typically include a volunteer project, reflection and snacks! Bring your friends, your student organization, or your roommates out for a day of volunteering!

Large Scale YES Volunteer Events Include: 

Speaker Series

Speaker Series

Each year we host a Speaker Series to help the students, staff, faculty to learn more about community engagement beyond University. Past speakers have included community organizers from Humboldt Area Foundation, True North, and Y.E.S. Alumni!

For Information on our upcoming speakers, go here:

Volunteers in front of the old Y.E.S House

Drop-In knitting to donate hats to the local shelters

Volunteering at Jefferson Center in Eureka

Program Coordinators & Directors yearly group photo